Global Voices Limited was honored to have provided Simultaneous Interpretation to the regional Consultation Workshop for Africa and  the adjuscent island states. It was held at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi-Kenya.  We provided Eng<>french interpretations. The workshop was an opportunity for the ocean community to join efforts, mobilize resources and create innovative […]

UN Decade of Ocean Science Regional Consultation Workshop For Africa and the adjacent Island States

Global Voices Limited was honored to have provided Simultaneous Interpretation to the regional Consultation Workshop for Africa and  the adjuscent island states. It was held at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi-Kenya.  We provided Eng<>french interpretations.

The workshop was an opportunity for the ocean community to join efforts, mobilize resources and create innovative partnerships to create a clean, healthy, resilient and safe ocean that is both sustainable and productive.

Global Voices Limited serviced the Dissermination workshop which was held at Crown Plaza Hotel. It was about the study findings on the Nexum of SALW prolifier and fragility poaching and cattle rustling in RECSA regions.

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